Friday 6 February 2015

Drawing Heart using C++ & OpenGL

Hi People! Welcome to CG Mughal!

A brief intro abt me! I am Rathnavel. Grad student in CG at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

Why blogger ? To showcase some of my cool CG programming and some art works in the web!

What it is not ? It is not a tutorial website! Yeah its a disclaimer :P

Enough of my talk here. Let me start this with a cool image that I drew in C++ using OpenGL.

 The function for a heart curve is ((x^2 +y^2 - 1)^3 - x^2y^3). I kinda had to tweak a bit this equation to get the above heart shape. 

The code snippet for this method is

void func()
    float radiusX,radiusY,centerX,centerY;
    radiusX=220; radiusY=90; centerX=320; centerY=240;
    for(int i=0;i<height;i++)
        for(int j=0;j<width;j++)
            int x=(i*width+j)*3;
            float bigX=((j-centerX)*(j-centerX));
            float bigY=((i-centerY)*(i-centerY));
            double first = (double)(bigX+bigY-1000);
            double second=(double)(bigX*bigY*(i-centerY));
            if((first*first*first)-(second*200) < 500)
This has been drawn on 640X480 2d Window.

See you soon in another post!

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